Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where Did Yesterday Go?

Yesterday I finished up an unusual (well, unusual for me, anyway!) triangular shaped tussie mussie. I think I got that Parisienne shabby chic thing going on with this one. It's got lots of vintage crepe paper, which I dusted with super-fine German glass glitter. It also has vintage lace, lots of silk ribbon and flowers, and a sweet "Believe" frame, which for some reason keeps photographing orange instead of the antique metallic gold color it really is!

The above photo is a special shout-out to Bernadette at Artifacts wishing her good luck on her journey towards becoming a non-smoker. Here is a little pack of cancer sticks shuffling off to Buffalo, and leaving you alone forever. Good luck! And, while you're under that bed, check for dust bunnies!

Yesterday, my cold still had not abated (and has, in fact, remained with me today), so I pretty much lazed around and rested and tried to kick this thing by ingesting as many over the counter cold medications as possible. It was kind of pleasant (or, as pleasant as anything can be resting on a pull out bed in front of the tv!) watching CSI:New York reruns all day and reading the book I got in the mail yesterday. "Abundance" by Sena Jeter Naslund is novelization/biography of Marie Antoinette. When reading this kind of book, you never know what is fact and what is fiction - but with bigger-than-life icons such as The Queen, it is hard to gild the lily too much!

I also got this in the mail yesterday ... a lovely little vintage honeycomb tissue Valentine I found on eBay. The paper clip is holding it while I do a minor repair on it ... I want it to work perfectly when it gets sent out to its new owner in a week or so. I love honeycomb tissue - and I'm trying to find a supply source for it so I can incorporate some of it in my collages, shadow boxes and mini-theatres. It's such an amazing structural piece of paper! It intrigues me and always has!
Speaking of Marie Antoinette, I'm participating in a three-for-three Artist Trading Card swap on the Marie Antoinette Mail Art group. These are my three submissions. Each card had to include feathers and, of course, Marie. These are very dimensional, so they don't scan well. The only parts that really register are the pieces that are 'popped' out on the card and actually touch the scanner glass.

There is a very fun art challenge going on at My Artistic Life by Helga of ArtChix Studios (a fabulous altered arts supply store online). The challenge is to take a 'treat' wrapping and use it in a piece of art. I love the idea. And, since I just happen to have this wonderful box of "Bugs and Bees" Lindt chocolates sitting here, it gives me the perfect excuse to eat them up and use the wonderful foil wrappings in some kind of piece of altered art. I thinking perhaps putting legs and clothes on all of the insects and present them dancing. Sort of a chocolate bug prom. We'll see!

Enjoy this wintry day! I'm going to take my hot cup of tea and lemon and go back to bed and watch whatever HBO or Showtime is offereing this afternoon. After two Nyquils and two teaspoons of cough syrup, I'll probably sleep through it anyway!


  1. Your Marie cards are beautiful, blurry parts and all! I hope you feel better soon! ~Lori

  2. hope you are better soon. Please tell me where you got the bug chocolate, I think I might need to get some!

    :-D eirdre

  3. well mr tristan, i am humbled! i love all of the new things, and omg! you have got this ocd gal beat in the productivity department! i can't even pick a favorite! i am partial to the cards but i also really like the burgundy theatre and the marilyn! you are a wonder! and omg! bless you for the dancing cigs, too bad i have slightly fallen from grace and they are dancing towards me instead of away! aw phooey! my ability to think seems to be tangled up with the stupid things right now... you inspire me though, and i thank you!

  4. I'm a fan of Marie A. (is this a fad or what? Love it!)
    And your posts are far the best here on blogland. I'm specially fond of the way you use all those little vintage vignettes and your banner. I've added you to my faves and now I'm off to peep some more... adieu...
