Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Busier Than a Two Headed Chicken ...

So many things to do today! I didn't get as much time in my studio as I had planned. And, since I'm going to see the classic film "The Bicycle Thief" this evening, I guess not a lot is going to get made today! I'm hoping to get some things put together and finished for Flea Market Friday this week, which I decided to join. If you don't know what Flea Market Friday is all about, click on the logo/link in the left hand column and read all about it - and come back to see me on Friday!

In between errands I ran back home because I had forgotten to take the dvd returns with me, and the postman had left me a package. I'm always buying stuff online, so didn't think too much about it ... until I saw it was from my friend, Peg, at Peggy's Mixed Up Art - that meant it was good mail guaranteed! It was a fantastic not-for-a-holiday gift! Imagine my thrill when I open an exquisite green leather with tooled and gilded leather volume of Shakespeare's plays from 1892!
Isn't it just the best?! I love the feel of old leather books - new leather books are nice, too - but old leather books that have been used so much the leather has grown smooth and velvet-y to the touch are so delicious! The pages are gilded on the edges, and inside was a lovely bookmark created from vintage art reproductions, crumpled ribbon and a sweet little metal (brass?) angel holding a star. Imagine my thrill! I was so glad that I had forgotten my dvd's and ran back home!
The fly leaf has the inscription: "To Grace, from "Auntie" Belle Xmas 1892.
Thank you so much, Peg! I just love this book, and I will treasure it! If any of you haven't been to Peggy's website, besure to click the link above and check out her fun stuff. AND she's running a give-away right now, so be sure to sign up - there's some wonderful stuff to win!

I had to add this advertisement that I found in an issue of Vogue. I don't read Vogue, but my sister sends me her copies after she's read them so I can cut them up and use the pictures and some of the text in artwork. I thought this ad was just terrific - Dolce and Gabbana always have the best ads! - which never have anything to do with their clothes or products! LOL
This is the only work I got done today. It's the makings of a tussie mussie/cone display. I've glued, sprayed, glittered, pleated and ruffled crepe paper; now everything is just drying and I'll put it all together late tonight or tomorrow. Even though I didn't get anything finished, at least I feel as if I've accomplished something by getting the parts ready for a new goodie!
Speaking of goodies, isn't this bride and groom cake topper a real beaut?! It's by, and from, Couture de Papier, who make lots of wonderful bridal and wedding items from repurposed vintage materials. This vintage cake topper is a give-away on their blog. Just click the image and you can go to the site. And be sure to click the image on THAT site, because the enlarged photo really shows all the details and thought that went into creating it!
Well, that's it for today. It's time to start getting ready for the cinema ... can't wait to see a good classic film!

And ... should you ever find yourself in an unhappy mood, just remember what I found out today from this vintage ad. It is really so easy to be happy! Just eat the right stuff!
Enjoy your evening!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. LOL!!!!!
    I guess I need to buy Lard buy the 50 gallon drum, so that hubby and I stay in a state of bliss!!!!
    Too good Tristan---I can't even come up with a smart crack.
    Oh, the parakeets are VERY HAPPY your music is back on..... :)

  2. frankly, I'm vaguely horrified there is a Lard Information Council! LOL

  3. Mmmmm!! Lard!!

    Actually, I'm told lard makes the most exquisite pie-crust, much better than pate brisee with butter, or good ole Crisco - but I've never been able to bring myself to try it. Can't overcome the "ick" factor.

    Love that antique book! Really wonderful. And Shakespeare, too!

  4. Hello Kiddo!!

    Foist- Thanks for stopping by my digs!! Yeah LW did get a couple of awesome pictures of the fireworks!! It only took 188 pictures to get those few :) But heck with a digital who counts?? Now he's trying to remember which settings he used cuz he tried a mess of them that night :)

    #Tooth- Your book is amazing!! I have yet to find a leather anything that old here, that's in decent shape :( The salt and humidity can really make truly amazing festunies grow on the leather. EEEEUUUUU

    Tell G that lard does make the most amazingly light piecrust. It also makes the worlds best donuts (but you have to eat them warm before the Lard sets up :) Mexico is still the lard capital of the world :)

    Take care, come by again I'll have an ice cold cervesa in the frig for you!! Did you know that Mazatlan is the home of Corona Beer??

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx

  5. You know why the authentic mexican food tastes so good.....yep, lard!
    As patti said above, lard makes it better!
    oh lardy!!!

  6. LOL gotta love that lard LOL, too funny..My Mom back in depression days, had to eat Lard Sandwiches for her lunches...YIKES!! what a great blog!! Blessings, Diana

  7. A really fun post, Tristan. And that book is terrific. Lucky you!

  8. Ohh I should be really happy..I eat a ton of lard..oh wait maybe thats sugar I'm gulping down..gee I can't remember!
    I love your new book er old book awsomely beautiful! I also cut out all the dolce Gabbana adds, Very theatrical and inspirational!
    Hugs, Gail

  9. Your present from Peggy is THE BEST gift ever. You lucky man....what a treasure (the book AND Peggy!)
    Lard? scheez...makes my stomach turn! Noticed that the young couple is slim, so THEY couldn't have had any!
    Your blog makes me laugh...thanks!

  10. LOVED the Lard ad.....and you know, in thinking back when our grandparents were growing up, they ate this stuff all the time - and yet they lived to be old people and their generation did not fight beening overweight like what our generation does today...even with all the diet foods around. Could it be that lard makes you skinny :)???? Huuummmm, makes you think a bit things....enjoyed your post today! ~ Joy

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What a beautiful book - lucky you! I'm sad that you have it and not me, so I'm going to go and eat some Lard now! Yum!

  13. Hi Tristan, I just found your blog at Katie's and I'm really enjoying your art work. The book you got in the mail is so exciting! Wow! Wish I had a friend like yours. I just love the inscription of the date, it litterly took my breathe away. So old how wonderful for you. Have a great night. Pearl

  14. That books is GORGEOUS! WOW!
    Love the "Lard Council"...who knew?

    M ^..^
