Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snow, Snow, and More Snow!

This morning Dusty barked me awake to a world of (more) snow! Even though I would prefer to have my first cup of coffee of the day before venturing forth into the wintry wonderland, when Dusty says it's time to go, well, he means it's time to go. But it's not so bad. Wooster Square in the snow is really lovely. If you don't know about Wooster Square (or, as I call it, my front yard), there is a wonderful little piece about it here.

One of the nice things about a Sunday morning snowstorm is that there aren't that many people going to Sunday morning mass - God's loss is our gain in this case! Usually, on Sunday morning, the entire square is parked up with cars; on snowy Sundays, however, there are far fewer, and it's nice to see the snow coming down on St. Joseph's bell tower without a bazillion cars ruining the view. The bell tower used to ring every hour ... but, alas, it's gone the way of the 21st century, and now only plays prerecorded bell chimes on the hour. My least favorite - though it is kinda funny - are the days when it plays a medley of "The Sound of Music" tunes.

On the way back in from our walk, I realized how really sad and lonely my Eiffel Tower in our courtyard looks in the snow, without morning glories growing all over it! In fact, what looks so romantic in the summer, in the snow looks exactly like what it is: a three foot wire totally inadequate representation. Oh well. It will be pretty again in four months!

I realized in my photos, the snow did odd things. In the photo of St. Joseph's, the snow flakes look like falling stars or meteors - and in the courtyard they look like bird droppings.

Time for my first cup of the day!


  1. That church looks quite heavenly in the snow, Tristan, and I'm so glad to see you've reached bloggerland too. I will look forward to seeing what you're up too!

  2. I think you should paint a mural behind the Eiffel Tower - I'll provide several Barbie dolls in designer outfits which you can accessorize with scarves and cigarettes.

    So glad that Anne mentioned your blog - I DIDN"T KNOW YOU WERE HERE!

    :-D eirdre

  3. Oh my gosh, you are hilarious regarding the snow falling on St. Joseph's - vs. the snow falling in the courtyard!!! Beautiful photos. I, too, would love the sound of church bells every hour. Thanks for visiting my Pink Saturday post! (P.S. Love the canned ham renovation!!)...Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage
