Sunday, January 11, 2009

I found this chair/litter/sled/sleigh/amazing thing on the wonderful blog A Thousand Clapping Hands.

There is much to love about this piece - the creamy tufted upholstery; the lovely shade of green; the detailed and lush painting; the exquisite dare-I-say-perfect silhouette; but most of, the utilitarian pupose!

Yes, indeed, some lucky person in Russia got to sit in this and get pushed across the ice and over the snow, keeping all bundled up and cozy in the confines of all that lavish (what looks like) silk brocade fabric!

Perhaps I'm finding this most attractive today because it would be wonderful to have Jon push me across the drifts in Wooster Square in this while I walk Dusty.

Who am I kidding? I would be pushing Dusty around in it. Without question, he's the most royal thing that lives at 293! And he never lets us forget it for a moment!

Maybe I'll have to made do with watching "Doctor Zhivago" this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tristan, This piece is SO Tony Duqette! Are you familiar with this former set designer who worked out of Los Angeles? He has since passed on along with his wife, but he was the master of creating the most unique things out of found objects! He did this whole exhibit the year Los Angeles celebrated its 200th anniversary. It was called Our Lady Queen of the Angels, and he made 12 bigger than life angels guarding the queen. There were what he called tapestry pieces, and you and I would call fiberarts, and it was a multi-media exhibit with day changing to night over time and also music written esp. for it. Unfortunately he donated the exhibit to the City of LA. Not being the art connoiseurs we thought they were (oh yeah,right!), they put the exhibit into a storage place, which later mysteriously burned down. All of the angels were made from found objects as was most of the exhibit. He was a genuine genius. You can find a little about him online, and I found his catalog for the show somewhere online. Wonderful, wonderful, and this chair is so like something he might have created. Peace and many blessings, Annie
