Sunday, December 28, 2014

Here a Head, There an Arm, Everywhere a Doll Part ...

Most altered art assemblage artists have a stash of vintage (or new) bisque doll heads to use in their work. They add an intriguing combination of beauty and eerie strangeness to a piece.

Some of us have even been known to go retro and use and celluloid or newer plastic doll heads and/or body parts. I like to use them because they're soft and cut easily into the shapes I want them to be.
Here's one piece I made which was a challenge piece that was to based on Lou Reed's "Take a Walk on the Wild Side." I used a plastic doll head and altered it to so it would lay flat on the front of the mini-shrine.
"Take a Walk on the Wild Side" Altered Kitchen Match Box by Tristan Robin Blakeman

This is a steampunk themed shadowbox that utilizes a porcelain doll head and porcelain baby doll arm ... I love the quirky charm they add!  

Steampunk Style Shadowbox by Tristan Robin Blakeman

Taking my daily walk through Pinterest today, I found some wonderful examples of ways artists have used their stash of porcelain doll heads (at least, they all LOOK like porcelain to me). I don't have any idea who created these works, so if they're yours, PLEASE post below and identify your work so I can give you credit for your terrific work!

Do leave a link to photos of porcelain or celluloid doll parts that you've used in art work in comment section below! I'd love to see what YOU'VE created with these delightful treasures from the past.

and then...go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. You know, I'd sell my mother for creepy doll heads. True story.

  2. I like the last doll pic, my favourite is the one with the daguerrotype,(sorry about spelling) and the one below it!

  3. YOU are the master, Tristan! Oh how I love all of these ideas, for I have a few doll heads and have no idea what to do with them, but seeing your style here is opening up some ideas for me. There is so much art and fun to be had and made, and so little time! Outstanding work my friend. And thank you so much for coming by to visit me; peace and WILD FUN WISHES to you in 2015! HUGS! Anita

  4. Love your Take a walk on the wild side shrine!~! Fab work Tristan!!
    Great pinterest shares- love those necklaces and yoyo man and the creepy angel coming out of the box!! I have yet to use my dolls, but will be sure to share when I do!
    Hope your coming New year is filled with mass amounts of creativity Tristan!!

  5. Very cool, never thought about attaching heads to other stuff.

  6. TRISTAN!!!!!!!

    Good morning dear, dear artist and friend. I want to thank you for coming to visit my blog post. YEP, I have to stop for now. FOR NOW.

    I am not deleting my blog, and I will still be present by visiting you and others. I simply need to focus my time and energy on some private writing that I must accomplish before time no longer waits for me. THANK YOU for your kind words, for your outrageously BEAUTIFUL presence in Blogland that has inspired me so. BACK for your next post! Love, Anita

  7. Thank you for stopping by my blog today, Tristan. Yeah, I gotta love Los Angeles. Born and raised in So. California the melting pot of the world for artists! Did you see the Alice in Wonderland Art District old post too on my blog?
    Oh, and I love this post. And yes, I've got doll heads, of all types, some Creative Paper Clay doll heads begun. You inspire me to create a post of photos of my dolls...maybe it will inspire me to finish them!
    Take care.
    Hope you weren't blow away by the storm. My sister used to live in Pepperell, she lives near St. Paul, Minn. (very near where Anita of Castles, etc. lives)'s a small world!
    Cheers for the rest of the week!
    Teresa in California

  8. The last doll which is a jewelry display is made by me! Long time ago. Lisa Loria
