Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter Weekend!

This photo was taken in 1900 at the famous Easter Parade on NYC's Fifth Avenue - the place to see and been seen by anybody who was anybody!

Amazing, that in such a short time, Easter attire changed so dramatically.

It would seem these young lovelies chose to forgo being Easter Bunnies for being Easter Chicks!

 Even Hollywood got in on the actions - here Judy Garland and Fred Astaire sing about the thrills of having a new Easter bonnet with lots frills upon it!

 Pier Angeli shows us all how beautiful young starlet opera singers decorate Easter eggs fit for a diva!
 Oh, Ann, Ann, Ann. Even without her tap shoes, Ann Miller turns everything into a contest!
As Elizabeth Taylor had just stolen Eddie Fisher away, Debbie Reynolds names her candy rabbit "Liz" and chomps off her ears!

The Scandinavians even have an Easter witch! A shame this tradition never made it to America; I bet Hollywood, tv, and Madison Avenue could have a field day with a beautiful witch for another holiday!

I've never subscribed much to the "too pretty to eat" philosophy. I appreciate gorgeously decorated food and ooh and aah with the best of them. But I'm ALWAYS ready to bite into them! However, these candy treasures might actually be too pretty to eat. But, just in case, it might not be in the best interest of everyone to leave them with me overnight!
I must admit, when it comes to Easter animals, I'm pretty traditional. I like to stick with the chicken, bunnies, ducks and lambs for this time of the year. But sometimes, I'm intrigued when other animals try to get into the act.
 Vintage European Easter greetings always seem just more romantic and pretty than the American counterpoints.

And a whole display of these antique treasures at Easter time is so pretty!
Modern American cards might be clever - but they art work just can't compare IMO!

However, today's Easter decorations can still be absolutely gorgeous, as shown in this photo by Sheila Hickey Garvey taken at Rockefeller Center this year (12014) - so fanciful and colorful!
Though today we are warned via advertisements in magazines and PSA's on tv and radio, that rabbits are not 'gifts' nor 'care-free' - but there was a time when children always received an Easter bunny every year.
Well, enough of this frivolity, strengthen up and get in that studio and make something beautiful! Hpe you have a lovely holiday!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

I'm leaving you with images from the Steampunk Easter blog hop at Leslierahyes' blog
 Faber-Punk Eggs by Lyneen Jesse
 Steampunk Easter Brooch by Barbara Rankin
Steampunk Easter Egg by Leslie Rahye.
Visit the blog hop and see the other contributors offerings and tutorials!


  1. Sweetie, You meant to say it was Fred Astair with Judy Garland... Not Frank. (or was that a test?)

    Amazing post of all things Easter!


    Mrs. K

  2. Thank you for the heads up! I've made the correction. I appreciate it!

  3. Thanks for the great post! Like walking down memory lane on Easter.

  4. Happy Easter Dear Tristen and may the Easter bunny drop a load of eggs and chocolates on your door step xxx
