Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hmmmmm. What to share today, what to share ... and a little quickie contest!

Is she contemplating an attempt to type using only her breasts?

How about we take a little jaunt over to the Netherlands and listen to this calliope awhile before having a Heinekin? I would so rather have this to listen to on the street rather than the eternal *thump thump thump* of the bass line of whatever garbage music is being blared by every low-rider that comes down the street!
...maybe we should have a few crackers to go along with our Heinekin ... I've never actually had a beer-and-cracker break - but I'm game!

Remember "The Shining?" Come play with us. I know they're probably made of lace or something - but I swear it looks as if they're wearing plastic gloves and are ready to do an autopsy.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, of course, it's a fabulous improvement over the regular-every-day-plain-old-ordinary-run-of-the-mill playground slide. On the other hand, I find it decidedly eerie and macabre that they keep these kids imprisoned in the head and torso of this fantastic creature. Sort of like a real life "Bladerunner" disposal for children.
Am I the only one who was completely unaware that there is a Cheeseburger in a Can product? If the pictures aren't enough for you, you can see an actual review of this product by clicking here.

I love this French hair styles advertisement. I especially like the "Hollandaise" style - I'm sure it inspired Minnie Mouse.
... and, out of the blue, a costume design for the Follies Bergere ... somebody should wear this for Halloween this year!

Frankly, I'm concerned that there were parents who thought these children's products were a good idea ...
The Pollute the Kid Bubble Gum
The Raising Obnoxious Demanding Children Bubble Gum

The Call Your Children Mean Names Bubble Gum

The Terrify Your Children with Drowning Bubble Gum

and, last but not least, The You Can Break Your Teeth Off If You Try Candy
Tim Holtz is having a challenge on his blog to use his Ranger Distress Inks products on a project. So I made and entered this little shrine/cupboard/shelves/box/thingie ... and distressed the bejesus out of it. This is the front ...
...and this is the back. His prize is something I really want (greedy ol' me, again!), so I hope mine is chosen as one of the twelve winners!What do you think this was? A ride? A performance? Whatever it was, it looks intriguing and magical - and as the advert clearly states, a sterling attraction!
Origami has always fascinated me. I've never tried it (well, I did when I was about ten and met with disastrous and life-long-scarred psyche from the failure), but I love looking at the work of others. I have never seen origami like this before! It is work by Robert J. Lang, and you can see much much more of his creations by clicking here. He even has books with diagrams and patterns to make some of his designs. I'm contemplating it.

Aren't these dapper dames? ... the shameless trouser-wearing hussies!I wish I had any of these wallpapers in my bedroom growing up! I'm particularly fond of the space age paparazzi getting shots of the moon men celebrities! sigh. I had a plain ol' blue painted bedroom with a matching early American bedroom suite. shudder. What were they thinking?! I was also not allowed to put things on my walls. My father always said that thumb tacks would ruin the sheet rock. sigh. I had a deprived childhood.

I just adore this picture! It's Big Edie and Little Edie - the Beales of Grey Gardens. I believe it's the first time I've ever seen a photo of Little Edie as an adult without a turban. Honestly, I had kinda presumed her hair had all fallen out and she was bald.Marleen and her girls are here to help announce a quick little guessing game contest. The first person to guess ...
on whose private gate this sign appeared ...
will win a little something from my private stash of never-ending prizes. I dont want to go take pictures, but it will be something goofy and fun and eminently re-giftable!

Edited to add: We have a winner! Malisa from Moonlight Hollow knew this was Frank Sinatra's charming and inviting property sign!

Okay, one final gorgeous thing to inspire you, and then...
Go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


Roz said...

Is it the Beales of Grey Garden? I love those girls and it sounds like something they would do.

Malisa said...

Frank Sinatra!!! Right???

Linda McKeen said...

Howard Hughes?

Malisa said...

I was so quick on the comment, that I forgot to tell you how much I loved your post today! I was intrigues by everything!!! The wallpaper was kick ass, but your dad was an ogre for not allowing you put stuff stuff on the wall...sounds like my house where I grew up! Maybe that's why we have so much "stuff" on our walls today! :) Some of those posters are now in my picture file! Awesome! Thanks!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Okay, I actually HAVE HAD a beer and cracker break!!! (altho it is usually Abita Amber.....I would take a Heinekein though!)
This is stellar; I don't know where you find all the pics and I ♥LUV♥ your distressed cabinet!
(I hope you win too...)


Teresa aka Tess said...

Sounds like something Mr. T would say....
This post is so chock full of wonderful stuff. Love it.... Hope you win with your distressed cabinet.

Deborah said...

TRISTAN!!!! I LoVe your shrine/cupboard/shelves/box/thingie! You SHOULD win. Loved this post too, though I am very concerned about the little boys in the wonder they are performing experimental surgical procedures so young... **blows kisses** Deb

Mom2fur said...

Those poor little girls in blue! (They actually look like boys, IMHO). They not only look like the twins from "The Shining" but the creepy kids from "Village of the Damned."
They probably wish Mommy and the photographer would just go away...forever and ever and ever...

The slide robot thing makes me think of the ending of "The Wicker Man" (and I'm talking the old version.) Who said human sacrifice couldn't be fun?

That woman in the top photo: all I can think is "MAN THE TORPEDOES! FULL SPEED AHEAD!"

Your pictures crack me up--where do you find these things?

Jan said...

I'm famished after reading your post, I believe I shall go open a can of cheeseburger. I have a couple of friend who would kill to have that wall paper! Well, maybe not kill........but they'd love it!

Sara said...

Frank, huh...guess he wasn't up for much company...

Unknown said...

jd salinger?

Janet Ghio said...

So many things to comment about--there always are... cheeseburger in a can--I can't think of anything more horrible! Beautiful little shrine you made for the Tim Holz contest and thanks for sharing the photo of the Beales!!

Kaerie Faerie said...

wonderful post, love the bird painting, I see a doll in the future from that bit of inspiration!!!!
Have a fab weekend
Happy Holiday
your fae friend

William Bezek said...

That was a fun ride...but I'm still scratching my head over those two little boys in blue dresses and lace gloves? I think I know how they turned out.

ceecee said...

I just love the spaceship wallpaper! And your distressed box looks like a winner to me. Hey, the photos on my current post were taken in New Hope, of all places.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I just love the origami pieces! You always amaze me with finding the most unusual stuff!

astheroshe said...

"too cool for school"":)

Karena said...


This is just too hilarious!! Cheesburger in a can!?

Art by Karena

Sue said...

OMG just finished reading the Cheeseburger In A Can taste test - too funny. Almost as funny as your blog post and pics.

Not funny, but equally entertaining to see is the origami and the shine you made. LOVE the shrine Tristan and I'm betting it will definitely be in the top twelve!


Harnett-Hargrove said...

What a meander! Thanks so, for the inspiration. -J

Maggi said...

Oh I find the Edies so interesting. Good luck with the Tim Holtz contest, I love what you made!!!

Laurel said...

Oh my Gosh-you are hilarious. I LOVE your kooky sense of funny and cool.
I see you at a few of my fave blogs and I thought I need to pop over and see this dude's blog:) worth the pop over.
Have a happy weekend Mr. Enchanted

Robbie said...

Hamburger in a can! Yikes! And I thought Mickey D's was bad enough! Yes, I'm a burger snob!

Lisa said...

Another hilarous post.. you should really write a book! Love that gypsy photo...and all the great vintage ads. Hope your shrine wins the motherlode!