Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pink Saturday, June 6

as all bloggers know, a picture can be worth a thousand words ....

Now that you've been either amused or appalled, please head over to Beverly's Pink Saturday and see what others have offered up this week ... then go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


mo.stoneskin said...

Personally I've always believed that dogs should be pink. All dogs.

Paula said...

Pink pooches, how cute and cuddly.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You are awesome. Always amusing, shocking, beautiful and out-of-the-box thinking! Thanks Tristan! Anita

Unknown said...

Pink poochies, love em, how amusing! Perfert for Pink Saturday! Now I wish I would have posted my pink kitty for Pink Saturday....I'll save it for next week.

Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!


Anonymous said...

Pink Dogs??? O.K. but I am a Feline Lady myself.... Just goes to show a Cat wouldn't tolerate being dyed Pink!! ROFLMBO!!
Love Ya' Tristan!!
Happy Pink Saturday!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Anyone who would do this to a dog ought to be dyed pink too.......of course, there are those of us who put so much bleach on our head that we have sores afterwards.....
Maybe I am NOT the best person to post on this! HA!


Ingrid Mida said...

This is too funny for words. Have a happy pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Yikkeessss! Ummmm ok I have mixed feelings. They're kinda cute in pink but the one in the 4th picture sure doesn't look like he(?)is fond of his color :-)

Happy Pink Saturday!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I can't wait to see what you are going to come up with for the crown fest, you wonderful artist you! Anita

tracy said...

Pink pooches, there still cute. Good pink post,very diffrent as was the last...Happy Pink Saturday ta ya

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Love em!

Leslie said...

If they did it right, no dogs were harmed for this post. Beet juice!

Thanks as always, Tristan...

I don't know whether to joy for joy or be appalled...

lorhen82 said...

I'm amused AND appalled! I used to have a friend who had a little chihuahua, and he died a Superman logo on the poor little guy's back! It was pretty funny though. ~Lori

Jade Creative said...

If dogs could speak... what would they say?
Have a fabulous pink saturday
Thanks for visiting

lisa golightly said...

Found you through YSL guy ... woweee so glad I did ! What great images. Just got a sudden urge to adopt a little white dog and buy a can of beets.


Malisa said...

I have a case of Strawberry Kool-Aid powder and am trying to catch my white 130 Great Pyrenese, Sweetie, right now! :)


Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

I'm not sure what I think. I love pink, but pink dogs? Can't they just wear a pink sweater?

Kaerie Faerie said...

Pink Dogs, I just love it!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Tristan,

Just popped over to say hello. I noticed you left a comment on another blog I visited so I wanted to come have a peek. Too funny with the pink dogs but now I'm curious about this Pink Saturday thing.

I especially LOVE this little doodle:

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Cept I don't get the heart but it's okay. Have a pink day!

Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie

Lori Lynn said...

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

stefanie said...

silly puppies, lol, happy pink saturday

Gossamer Creations said...

I love them....they are so cute. I really like the first one with the crown. Who wants to be pink without a crown.Happy Pink Saturday !

Terri said...

I wonder what the dogs think? The one with the crown is my favorite. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you have a great Pink Saturday.

AK said...

Great post!! More pink dogs! Have a great pink saturday!!

Beverly said...

While in real life, I might be a bit shocked, in blog life I am laughing aloud. And, as the laughing subsides, I will be giggling.

Happy Pink Saturday, Tristan.

susan said...

Couldn't wait to see what you had today and you did not disappoint me! This reminds me of the dyed Easter chicks when I was a child (of course, I think that is illegal now :) My Jessie is not pink but her wardrobe is!!!

Anonymous said...

Well Tristan, I don't know how I have managed to miss you all of my blogging life, but I am sure glad you dropped by. I really like your style and expression. Plus you love your mom. You are on my list.


Shey said...

Oh, my my! They are so cute and pretty in pink. Love them!

Happy Pinkness! :)

Frieda Oxenham said...

I always love your pink saturday blogs, but this one must be my all time favourite. So sweet, so adorable and so utterly mad!

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is so funny. I find we are both amused and appalled here. My husband said, "I sure hope that's photoshopped".

ahhhh, no, people really do that to animals; )

Happy Pink Saturday.


Martha said...

These are just wrong - very wrong, LOL! But have to say they are perfect for Pink Saturday! :-)

Pam @ Frippery said...

OOOO My Labradoodle is blond but Karma is dark. Here Baby, mommy has a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Tristan you amaze me with finding the most perfect pictures! I had a toy poodle as a child and pink was just one color we painted him...

Thanks for the beauty!

Susie Jefferson said...

There's pink... and there's pink. That last dog was a bit OTT... I hate to think what happens when it rains (should be interesting, though). Happy Pink Saturday.

Debby said...

Snicker!!!! You always find the best pics. Poor little pink pooches!!! hehehe..

gypsylulu said... poodles! have shocked and delighted us again, Tristan! I just love the first little poochie...naturally with the bling! I hope its been a happy Pink Saturday for everyone!

Glennis said...

Oh my god, no, not a MALAMUTE!!!!!! That's so wrong.

Seriously, are these dogs REALLY pink or is it photoshop?

And why am I more disturbed by certain breeds being dyed pink than other breeds? Does it mean I'm applying stereotypes?

Michelle said...

Very amusing, gave me a smile to the face. thanks for your interesting posts. Happy PS.

Anonymous said...

poor babies! Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

jeanne said...

Hello Tristan, I adore the pink dogs. although I think the poodles compliment the color pink the best. I guess it is because I am a poodle lover. In fact we will be looking for a poodle puppy this fall. I would like to order a pink one. BIG smile!!!

Happy Pink Sat.


Becs said...

Oh those poor puppies....Where do you find this stuff???? It's great! Becs

Sue said...

um.....Pink Saturday yes! Pink dogs? amusing, but these poor things, aside from the poodles that probably expect the frou frou, the rest of them are probably thinking 'WTH? Where's my dignity!' (at least I'm sure that is what doggie #4 is thinking LOL)

I do have to say that the 6th little dog down is way too cute! He looks like a big piece of fuzzy candy popcorn on legs.

Claudia said...

Well... this is quite a shocker! They look happy... but geeeez i just dont know what to think.

Thanks Sooo much for stopping by and welcoming me so nicely-- your comment means a lot!

TTFN~~ Claudia

Nancy said...

I'm totally where can I get this done to my sheltie? LOL Way too cute, Tristan. Have a funfilled Sunday. :) Nancy

Unknown said...

Thanks for the congrats and Im you like my new studio :) I am loving all those pink pooches!!!! Have a great week Tristan!

Sandy xox

Pam @ Frippery said...

Tristan, I left a little award for you on my blog, and you don't have to do ANYTHING but be yourself to receive it.

Chris said...

Today, during the AIDS walk, there was a Westie who's owner had painted a pink mohawk and a pink ribbon on its side.

Even better...the pink ribbon was studded with pink crystals!!!

Rebecca said...

Hmmmm, well not sure. I want to say I love it, but poor pink poochies. LOL Thanks for stopping by and Happy Pink Saturday!

Pink Blessings,

Rebecca said...

Hmmmm, well not sure. I want to say I love it, but poor pink poochies. LOL Thanks for stopping by and Happy Pink Saturday!

Pink Blessings,
Rebecca said...

!!!!!!! I've always wanted a pink dog! But my family says it is inhumane. I honestly don't think it could hurt the dog at all! And these dogs look pretty proud of themselves. I think my dogs would enjoy being colored.

Magic Moonlight said...

The Winner of my JUNE Giveaway is:

Thanks so much to everyone who entered my Giveaway

You all are so wonderful to me....
You are my inspiration!
I just want to say thank you so much for such sweet kindness and friendship that is expressed in each and every comment.

Please come back next Month for another giveaway!
I really enjoy making Friends this way
and visiting your Blogs!
Wishing you a wonderful, relaxing Week !

Renee said...

Tristan I am totally amused and appalled.

Renee oxoox

ceecee said...

I always feel bad for these dogs that have no say in their color. Just hysterical!

KatCollects said...

Nothing personal, but I hate in when people dye their dogs fur. If they do it the same way humans get their hair colored, then there are chemicals involved and just not right. Nothing about this benefits the animal. I just don't like it. With that being said, I hope you had a good weekend. : )

A Fanciful Twist said...

Oh Tristan!!! hahaha!

I must tell you something. Don't get scared.

COnfession of my crazy familia part 1.

My aunt Astrid. Who really is my great aunt dyes her poodles.

She has since I was a kid. She dyes her own hair too, in stripes and stuff. Colorful.

She has done this since the 60's. Before it was the thing.

Before Cyndi Lauper made it okay.

Before punk.

During the time you would be called insane for such things.

Anyhow, she has fuchsia, lime green and teal poodles.

She says it is safe.

I don't ask questions. I just smile at the lifesaver pups, and mind my own business.


Deanna said...

Wow Tristan, where in the world did you find those wonderful pink pooches? They are a hoot! I've thought about doing that to my Bootsie Barker but everyone says "No!" I think she would look adorable.

Great Pink Saturday post!

Deanna :D


Tristan, I LOOOVE your June Mind Wide Open entry! It's gorgeous!

Slices of Beauty... said...

Fab blog and loving the pink fabulosity!

Unknown said...

OMG Tristan, these dogs are amazing. You clearly have the best posts. Each one is so unique and fun. I was just catching up on things. My daughter's graduation took me MIA.

Have a great day. I love your blog. What oh what will you create for Miss Vanessa's party. I can't wait to see.


Bunny said...

Poor Pink doggies, gave me a chuckle. Hope it is only food colouring. Love your work.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Happy PINK to you..Hope you are having a great week. I love the pink furbabies! I did a post on pink doggies several weeks ago..who knew there were so many of them?..LOL
They really look good in pink.


TonyaA said...

Ha! Such cute pink dogs. I may die my dogs hair so adorable!
Blessings, peace, and love,
~Tonya Ashe

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