Saturday, March 21, 2009

Well, gang - what time is it? That's right! It's time for...

It's Saturday again! So get out your pink Nikes - or spiked heels, if that's your style - and let's go on a tour of all that's pink! Or, at the least ... some of it.

Now, first things first. Before we even start on our journey to the Bloggerland of Pink, you really must take a moment to listen to Kay Thompson explain what Pink Saturday is all about.
for some reason, when I embed the video, my blog page goes all wonky. So, I have to apologize. To hear Kay expound on the brilliance of all things pink, you'll have to go here:

Now that you're in the mood. Sit right down here next to la Liz (in all her pink splendor) and we'll start the tour of the day.

and remember...

So, first stop of the day ... Betsy Johnson's home. Now here is a woman who knows how to use pink! Sometimes (actually, most often) I find homes drenched in pink to resemble an accident with Pepto Bismol. But I think this is one stunning atelier! I really love the pops of black and chartreuse ... and that glass brick wall really blings the whole place up, doesn't it?

As long as we're visiting designers - get a load of this gown by Galliano for Christian Dior. Isn't it an awesome achievement of fabric craftsmanship? It reminds me of some of the extravagant concoctions in the new Marie magazine from Somerset Studio ... but this one is for real! I hope some spoiled rotten girl in Beverly Hills wears this to the prom. Just to cause a scene.

Ooooh! Look who just showed up, all razzle dazzled out in pink for Beverly's Pink Saturday, and is going to join us for the rest of our tour! Yes, indeed!, it's Carmen!

Well, the first thing I believe is going to knock off Ms. Miranda's shoes (okay, bad pun) is this pair of pink shoes by Christian Louboutin. I think they truly show the depth of insanity this designer exists in ... and it's a place that would be so swell to live! If you have never seen his website, you really should take the time to click here.

Even though most of today's pink offerings are contemporary (hey! no cracks about la Liz!), this special boudoir really needed to be included...I think this is where Liz and Carmen checked their make-up before starting our little tour today.

Oh! I'm so glad that we could pick this up along the way, so we'll have music to accompany us.

And, just in case you get tired, feel free to hop on for a ride...

Oh, no! Not another tour participant! Well, if she slaps me, she's gonna be seeing stars, and they won't be pink!

Well, let's take a walk in a special garden that I'm just positive la Liz, Carmen and Zsa Zsa are gong to love as much as I do! Is this the result of a gardener with a pink thumb?

ah oh. I think the Pink Flamingo garden was too much for the ladies...they seem to be hitting the

I guess they're getting worn out from this lengthy tour. I suppose I should wrap it up - I must remember that even though they're looking fab and in the pink, these ladies aren't exactly spring chickens any more - they must be tired. I'll just leave you with one more mosaic of pink goodies for this week.

So, now you must go to Beverly's Pink Saturday and see all the other cool stuff that is being offered by those participating! Have a terrific day ... and, hopefully, after completely overdosing on pink splendors, you'll still have time to make something fabulous today - maybe in pink!(?)

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


Claudia said...

Tristan, I love your Pink Saturday post! I just watched Funny Face the other day for about the 30th time and I love Kay Thompson's rendition of Think Pink. You always bring us so many visual treats. Thank you! Happy Pink Saturday!

Gossamer Creations said...

Wonderful post !! I just love all your pinks. I am a big Betsy Johnson fan !!! Have a wonderful PINK SATURDAY.

Linda said...

Wow, Tristan, you really outdid yourself this week! Fantastic pinks,fantastic commentary! I enjoyed the tour so much!


Anonymous said...

love your video. But the last conversation - the one who inspired not to be caught in pink? :-)

And the pictures I enjoyed too. Those shoes are really something and the flamingo girls are cute :-)

Happy Pink Saturday!

peggy gatto said...

My pink heaven!!!!
I am definitely feeling "in the pink"!
All you need is PINKY LEE!!!!!!!
I give you a pinkie salute....thanks tristan!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tristan, your pink post this week is maaahvelous. I've loved Betsey Johnson since the 60's...oooouch...40 years of experience. Love the gown & the shoes & the flamingo girls, but the pink poodle brings back memories.

Take care...Happy Pink Saturday!

JANN said...

Like always Tristan, fabulous pinkness. Thank you for all the work you put into PINK SATURDAY'S !

mo.stoneskin said...

Mate this blog is the most strikingly unique piece of work that I've ever seen...

Not a pink man myself...more blues, greens, whites, maybe some red, but not pink...

...but I could happily ride that trike...and if I was in the mood I would get the missus to where those shoes...

Frieda Oxenham said...

You must have been writing this post in the middle of the night, Tristan, and I'm reading it in the public library and I'm getting so in the pink mood!! Thanks for a great treat!

carylsrealm said...

Love all these great pics!

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

This such an awesome post! Loved it!
A Va Va Voom pink post I should say!

Have a great weekend!

~ Gabriela ~

My name is Riet said...

Your pink post is so special. I love reading and seeing all your stories and pinks.You must be busy finding all these beauties every week. Love La Liz of course. She is one of my all time favorites and I believe still going strong isn't it.(must google that)
Happy pink Saturday.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I am so happy I popped in! I love a Pink Saturday! (The boudoir...sigh...Betsey's home...swoon...) It's all lovely! I think I will don a pink frock and travel around the land of Pink this fine Saturday! I enjoyed every single pink pretty here!

Happy Pink Saturday to you!

HiHo said...

I look forward to your Pinks, by far the most exciting post of the day...Bravo!

HiHo said...

I posted a little Betsy too....

Anonymous said...

Well done... I throw you the roses!! (Pink of course!!)

Amy said...

oooooh, I love, love, love the boudoir picture. I'm getting ready to redo mine, perhaps I should do it like that? (I don't think hubby would go for it) :)


Shirley said...

I enjoyed your tour immensely! Happy Pink Saturday.

the wild raspberry said...

happy pink saturday SIR :)
the wild raspberry sisters

Betzie said...

Your posts are delicious and so utterly PINK darling...:))
I love visiting you and have to link you TODAY!
Love how you tie in everything...
enjoy your Pink Saturday! xo betzie

bernadette ostrozovich said...

tristan you amaze and delight on a daily basis! many thanks and kudos. a pink, button tufted wall, mmmmmm!

BoneyLittleFingers said...

You spoiled me silly with this extensive and highly intertaining Pink tour! So much fun to check in on your blogs.

I had a bit of Carmen in mine today, too. I Yi Yi Yi Yi/ Chica Chica Boom!

Teacup Mosaics said...

La La Liz pink and girls are wonderful! Thanks for the tour now off to more PINK. You can never have too much!

Anonymous said...

I want the Louboutin heels, and to be as hot as B. Johnson when I'm her age :)
Have a pretty pink day!

Catharina Maria said...

You have great pink's Robin for this Saturday !

♥Mimi♥ said...

I just ♥ Pink Saturday. I am able to visit some gorgeous blogs, see loads of pink-a-licious goodies and have a wonderful morning to start the weekend. Thanks!

Evelyn said...

Tristan, you ALWAYS make my Saturday with your posts. So creative, and wonderfully pink. My pink fixes from you are better that my Starbucks fix.:-)

Happy P.S. !!

Anonymous said...

Wonderfull blog ! Firendly Fine.

Lori Lynn said...

Awesome Pink post Tristan! Happy PS!

Glennis said...

Woww!!I really do need pink Nikes to keep up along the tour! Or can I ride that trike? Mind if I just rest awhile at Betsey's place? I love her stuff.

Who is the fab dude at the end with the pink paisley jacket?

As for the Louboutins, crazy animation - what is he smoking? (don't answer) Part of me loves the shoes because they're awesome, but part of me hates the fact that they are crippling torture devices in the extreme.

mmmm...say...he's got some low-heeled back later!

Deanna said...

Tristan, what a fabulous Pink Saturday post. Of course, La Liz is my favorite so I will be riding the pink tricycle and giving La Liz a ride on the handlebars.

Miss Betsey Johnson has my heart. I dress my niece Marissa in Betsey Johnson. Oops, La Liz fell off of the handlebars! I'll leave her on Betsey's bed while I finish the tour.

Hmmm, the dress by Galliano might make me look even fatter...I'll skip it for know. Let Dakota Fanning wear it.

Ai yi yi! Shake your maracas Miss Carmen Miranda! Too bad La Liz missed this part of the tour. She loves sparkly things!

Ooooh, now I have a pair of Louboutins but nothing like this pair. I don't think my plantar warts would appreciate the short instep in the shoe! LOL!

Thanks for providing a mirror. I simply look horrid after pedaling past Zsa Zsa and her pink mutt!

Well, my tour has ended as I have pulled a hamstring from pedaling that great tricycle around and hauling La Liz to Betsey's home. I will take that delicious Pink drink though! YUM!

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday!
Deanna :D

Anonymous said...

Love,love,love this post. I don't know how you do it!! My fav is the very last "fitness is fun, smile" HAHAHA. I think I use to look like that when I use to exercise. HAHA

Happy "lush" PS.


Jorgelina said...

Hi Tristan!
I love your Pink Saturday post!
Glamour much pink.

Happy pink saturday!!! said...

I adore all your picks!! I'll take one of each, including Betsy's house ;) And that bike & the shoes, and... Oh you get my point ;) ;) I like pink in doses - but these are all perfection choices!! Happy Spring Day Mister T!!

Char said...

Fab seems to be the perfect word for your post today, it is beyond amazing, thankyou and Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday and have a great first weekend of Spring ~ Susan

C'est la Vie said...

I have no idea where that house is... I guess is possibly coulld be!! I just loved it though.. Your post this week was great!!! Happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

BTW... one tune playing in the background reminds me of the music box melody in "Flowers in the Attic"....
As a child I wished to so have an attic to play in surrounded by vintage trinkets, sans the of cours, how darlingly macabre is that?

KatCollects said...

I would so hurt myself in those pink high heels. Great pink photos, I hope you have a good weekend.

Monica said...

WOW! Those pink pups are divine! Great post!
Happy Pink Saturday,

Anonymous said...

Hello Tristan, I am so inspired by pink. YOUR pink is fab. I loved the utube video and actually I had forgotten that scene. Awesome.

Sorry I have been absent from your post. We were out of town last weekend and life is... what can I say? Life!!

Love your pink and talented you.


Kris said...

Tristan, this is a great pink post. I love the photos of the starletts in all their pink glory. The dress is fab, but the shoes?? While beautiful, I could never walk in them. The radio is more my style.

Happy PS


LuLu Kellogg said...

I am SO adoring this post! My FAVE color in all it's splendor......ahhhhhhh, I just need more jack to decorate!

LuLu Kellogg~*

Paula said...

Hey Tristan, your Pink Saturday has really inspired me, so I've done myself a little French lady pink stage theatre. A bit of burlesque I may add.

Christine said...

My favorite is the pink radio. I love anything from the 50s.

Happy Pink Saturday!


Shell said...

what a pinkfully fabulous Saturday. I love Besty's place. She picked a pretty shade of pink then used elegant furnishing which makes it work. To me La Liz never goes out of style. She is a legend with a capital L. Have a beautiful weekend, Tristan.

Anonymous said...

Tristan, I had quite a busy pink day myself yesterday. I'm out making pink rounds this morning, and this post has made my day.

I actually could have used a pink mode of transportation yesterday. And, I would have definitely hopped on with Glennis. I mean if Liz can ride on the handlebars, so can I. I probably wouldn't be able to walk the next day, but fun is fun.

suesueb said...

you always find the coolest pics to post!! so much fun! happy pink week!!

Nelly said...

Wonderful post! How cool are all your pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog too. Oh, and that Louboutin shoe is unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed this post so much and all the photos are wonderful. It was like a history through the color pink. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful new week.

studioJudith said...

Gee , Tristan ... . what a popular boy you are with this fab post!

You've left quite a few of us just .. TICKLED PINK ! I could just go on and on about each and every rosy pic, but was especially tickled to see that eternally swell Miss B. at home. I've been wearing Betsy frocks for, well, probably longer than you've been breathing.

Which reminds me that I need to go practice some of those signature
BetsyCartwheels ! If she can be
60 Zillion and still be cartwheelin' - so can I ... . .


Bernice the Housewife said...

I love that post! I always love your posts for Pink Saturday! Happy Pink Saturday, even though it's Sunday now! I'm running a little late.

Elaine said...

Quite the highly styled Pink Saturday! I esoecially enjoyed peeking into Betsey Johnson's home.

Deborah said...

Enjoyed looking at all those pink things. I love the Dior gown and Laboutin shoes. Lovely post. Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous post! I came via Sandy's Creations, great to meet you!

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

I LOVE that gown and those shoes! Perfect! I also covet that boudoir! What a lot of lovely pink!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

OMG Tristan! You packed about 50 Pink Saturdays into one! WOW! What amazing eye candy! I just adore Betsy Johnson.

Have a great week!

Loretta said...

I forgot to include myself in Pink Saturday, but your pink post more than made up for it! It was fun.

Nancy said...

I'm smiling. I always love your PS posts. Little late, but still have eye trouble.

Unknown said...

I have always loved Betsey Johnson! I am so happy to see her in the stores. We have a Betsey Johnson store in Scottsdale. Sweet!

Happy Belated Pink Saturday!


ceecee said...

How did I miss this last week?! This post is priceless! First of all Liz looks downright scary. I'd like to see her go rolling by on that bike! And who is the guy in the glasses?! I promise I won't miss another Saturday.
All the best,

Unknown said...

I love the image below of the Pink Flamingo Garden and want more information as to who the photographer is and where is this picture was taken! I love love love the feather costume! Please reply with photo credits :)