Friday, February 20, 2009

Pink Saturday - February the Twenty-First

If you aren't familiar with Pink Saturday, click on the image to the left to read about it. Although it's fairly self-explanatory. :-) Primarily, it's reserving Saturdays for posting pictures of pink things that we have in our lives.

Frankly, pink isn't my favorite color - so I don't have a lot of pink items to photograph. However, because I make so much art and work with so many crafts that have a vintage or antique aesthetic (especially Marie Antoinette inspired pieces!), I have a lot of pink supplies. So I thought I'd share some of those.

Above is my stack of pink fabrics. I very rarely make 2-or-3 color quilts. Although my work tends to be very organized and planned, it is most often described as "scrap" work. In other words, fabrics of many patterns are used in one piece, rather than a standard 2-color or 3-color pattern. Since I don't use a lot of any one fabric, I rarely have more than two or three yards of any one fabric. After photographing all these fabrics, however, I do think maybe it's time to do an all-pink quilt! Perhaps with a splash of orange and yellow for warmth and color, and a little red for emphasis, and - well, that's how my quilts turn very quickly into scrap work

I love crepe paper. Nothing suggests vintage projects and parties more than crepe paper! I have many many colors - and quite a few different shades of pink. I especially like crepe paper 'fringe' that has been sewn and gathered so that it ruffles up as a trim. It's also nice to use when a piece of seam binding has been sewn down the middle of a long strip of crepe to add color punch and interest. It's amazing what can be done with crepe paper - including making clothing! It used to be a very popular material to use for constructing costumes.
Below are just a few of my many trims and fringes and ribbons that are pink. That long piece of palest pink knotted fringe is over 100 years old. I used to have a fairly long piece of it; this is all that remains. I know that it's going to take a very special piece for me to use up the very end of it!
And what would paper arts and paper crafts be without ... paper!? I have too many pieces of pink paper and cardstock to photograph them all, so I decided to concentrate on only one vendor. These are all my Anna Griffin pink papers that work so well when creating vintage inspired pieces. It wasn't until I started uploading this photo that I realized this is only my pink 12"x12" pieces; I forgot to include all the 12"x14" pieces. Oh, well. Another Saturday!

Such is a sampling of my pink supplies. I didn't include things like all my pink threads, pink glitters, pink embossing powders, pink ink pads, pink silk flowers, pink rhinestones and beads, pink....

Maybe I don't dislike pink as much as I thought I did. I do seem to work quite a lot with it! It reminds me of when I thought that I didn't particularly care for yellow or orange - until I realized that almost every one of my art quilts has yellow and orange in it. Now I know that they are really my favorite colors to work with!

Maybe I'll have to add pink to the list!

Thanks, Beverly, for including me in this fun event!


Anonymous said...

I would love to see some of your quilts that you have made. You should blog about them sometime. The first picture looks like the little quilt squares they sell at Joann's Fabrics which by the way, i got their flier and I believe they are going to sale next week.

My name is Riet said...

Welcome to pink Saturday.Wow, I love all your pinks, Beautiful. Your crepe paper brought back a lot of memories. Right after the war ( yes I am that old) my father as a florist made bridal bouquets of white crepepaper.He made carnations and I still know how to make them.People didn't have money to buy flowers so they used that crepepaper. I hope to see a lot more of your works. I learned today from you that orange and yellow go so well with pink. Thank you for that.Happy pink Saturday


Welcome to Pink Saturday! Love all of those pink things even though I keep saying pink isn't my favorite color. Hmmmmmmm....


Sherrie said...

Love all your pinks!! Would love to see your quilts. I quilt also! And some of them, well a lot of them are scrap quilts. Have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

I too love your pinks! I'm new to Pink Saturday too and don't have a lot of pink yet, but I do love it, and am changing my home decor to reflect that. Have a Happy Pink Day! ♥

Kris said...

Welcome to PINK Saturday. Loved all of your pinks in your post. The stack of neatly folded pink fabric would make one sweet quilt.
You should showcase your quilts on your blog.

Happy PS


alicesg said...

Wow that's a lot of treasure to make your favourite crafts. :)

Deanna said...

Hi Tristan,
I love your work. And I think Pink as a color isn't so bad. Your idea of a pink quilt with oranges in it would be a great idea. Somehow those two colors work together.

Have a Great Pink Saturday!
Deanna :D

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Tristan,
Welcome to Pink saturday! All of your pinks are wonderful! Have a wonderful day.


Unknown said...

I, too, am not a pink fan, I thought! Until I started Pink Saturday-ing, that is! Now I see so many things in my daily life that have pink in them.

Lori Lynn said...

Nice pinks! Happy PS!!

Anonymous said...

Hello,it's so nice to meet you.I love your pinks.I too would love to see your quilts.nice blog...ann

♥Mimi♥ said...

Welcome to Pink Saturday. Boy, you sure have some lovely items to share with us this week. I'll be back when I'm not in such a rush to really take a peek at all of your pages. Cool!

Dee Light said...

Love the pink! Isn't it funny how pink just creeps into your life with out you knowing it! Have a great day.

Shari Replogle said...

Welcome to Pink Saturday! Loved all of the pink goodies , especially the crepe paper.
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Definitely a magical pink stash!

~ Gabriela ~

KBeau said...

When it comes down to it, you really do have lots of pink stuff. I'm not much of a pink person either, but I'll be learning to love it, since I'm going to have a granddaughter.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Tristan. Your work is just incredible. I just visited your website. I am in awe of your talent. And, your quilts and collages leave me speechless.

Too funny that you say pink is not your favorite color. It isn't my favorite color either. I have come to realize that it is a color that makes me smile. Given that discovery, I have increased the amount of pink in my life. Pink, green and gray are the main colors in my work room.

Welcome to your first Pink Saturday.

Jennifer said...

I love all your Pink papers! I have an addiction to scrapbook papers! You can just use them for so many things! Welcome to Pink Saturday!
Have a great Pink Day!

Dixie said...

what a "crafty" pink saturday... ;)
welcome. Dixie

Anonymous said...

I like how you arranged and photographed your pink supplies! I would look forward to seeing the pink glitters, powders & beads in the future :)

RobinfromCA said...

Such fun pink supplies! I hope you'll show us your pink quilt when you make it!

Happy Pink Saturday!
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

Nerissa Alford said...

I'm a sucker for pink art supplies. Thanks for the eye candy & Happy Pink Saturday!

Angela said...

Thanks for visiting my psp!!! Yours is great!!! I love all of your pink fabric. I would love to know what type of sewing machine you have, I might be in the market to buy a new one. I have an old New Home machine that is not working very well. I bought it from someone in the paper but my next one will be a new machine.


Loretta said...

Happy Pink Saturday! Your post of pink things is delightful! Wow!

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday! Love all of the pink materials. I would love to see the pink quilt when completed. Thanks for stopping by.

Hugs :)


JudyBug said...

I'm trying not to laugh but for someone who doesn't think they like have some of the most beautiful pink I've seen. I would love to see some of your projects.


Kimberly said...

Love that banner pic!

And your pink ribbons and trims are yummy. Thank you for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

Well I have to say I'm surprised that a man came over to visit. Welcome to Pink Saturday even though I didn't particiapate this Saturday. You know, I was out shopping the other day and noticed a lot of pink mixed with orange and yellows, in fact I bought some stuff with those colors in it for a gift. I think you may be on the right track with your ideas.

By the way thanks for stopping over to visit.

Anonymous said...

For someone who doesn't like pink, you have sure accumulated a nice stash, Tristan. I especially like the neatly folded fabrics - makes me want to get out the machine again! Nice post...

Noelle Garrett Designs said...

Wow! What a beautiful selection of pinks you have. As a paper girl, I too love Anna Griffin papers. She has some wonderful prints. I enjoyed visiting your blog. Have a wonderful Pink Saturday.

Seams to Sew and Quilt said...

Welcome and thanks for visiting my blog. I love all the pink fabrics and would love to see some of your quilts. Have a great day.

KatCollects said...

Welcome to pink Saturday, I love all of your pink Supplies. I bet your quilts turn out amazing! I need to sew some crepe paper, I have never done it before wish me luck : )

Betty said...

Yes, you have quite a bit of pink!Very nice fabric and paper. Yes, I'd save that 100 year old trim for something very, very special.

I remember as a child making costumes out of crepe paper. One time we had a wedding...the bride and all her bridesmaids. :)

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Welcome to pink Saturday! The first picture of all the pink fabrics grabbed me to the point where I literally said "Wow!"...then I saw the trims and crepe paper and realized "hey, I'm not so "off", other like crepe paper as much as I!" lol!
Love the scrapbook paper too. The one in the very front actually looks a lot like the drapes that used to hang in my mother and father's bedroom while I was growing up...I believe they put them up sometime in the 60s :0)
How wonderful for you to have such a gift to be so talented and creative. Shoot, I can't even make good stick people, lol!
Enjoy your weekend1

Angela said...

Thanks for replying to my question! I looked at your quilts THEY ARE TRULY A WORK OF ART!!! Just GEORGEOUS!!! I have one more year before I can get my act together and get back to sewing again. I have a little one who will be in preschool next year and then when he starts all day I will have time on my side!!! hehehe I have to keep my sewing room door locked so he won't go in there and mess things up! He must check it daily because I forgot to lock it the other day and it is a complete mess again!!! Boys!
Take care,

Glennis said...

Love the pictures of your supplies - even those are works of art! Like you, I like to have bits and pieces of things available for when inspiration strikes, so I tend to accumulate it without reason!

Love your banner photo. What's the story behind that?

I am enjoying your other posts, too.

Kim's Cottage said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today. It's a nice change of pace to have a man around for Pink Saturdays.

I read all the way back through your blog. And checked out your Etsy (your Marilyn Monroe mini-theatre finished up BEAUTIFULLY!) and then popped on over to your website.

I like you, Tristan! You're fun! And I like that you're into paper arts, which is something I'm just beginning to dabble in.

I hope you'll join us for more Pink Saturdays. As it is, though, you already have WAY more pink in your craft room than I do. I'm green with jealousy! LOL


Dawn said...

Lovely pink! Happy 1st pink Saturday!

Barntiques said...

Being a breast cancer survivor, Pink is the greatest! Although pink has always been a part of my life. Wanted to tell you how I enjoyed your post. Now I am headed to read the rest of them1Stop by my blog at!

Connie said...

Tristan, I do not mind at all having a rooster in the "chick house", sweetpea! After perusing your blog we have many things in common and many things "NOT" in common but creating is definitely one of those things we share. And how can you say you don't like pinkkKKKkkkk, honey?!?!?! I think your pix are outstanding and your parents lovely. Of course, I'm a nostalgic old lady from Calif transplanted to Idaho so it's delightful to meet a man who doesn't think his undershirt is "formal attire"! I'm also humorous, witty and a truly happy chick. Drop by again cuz I'm adding ya to my Google Reader and "keepin' my eye on you", brat!! Hah

Jenny said...

Welcome to pink Saturday! I look forward to seeing more of your work with all that lovely pink!!

ceecee said...

Isn't it funny how we think we don't care for certain things and then they keep turning up in our closets. For example - I would say that I am definitly not a Doll person - and then a few of them turned up in closets and I even made one once. But I'm really not a doll person!
I know how hard it is to let go of some of those trims! Maybe you should take that special piece that is left and frame it.
Glad to see you figured out the pic thing! Hope I was a help.
All the best -

gina said...

Pink Heaven!!!!!
I loved all your pinks. I love papers and fabrics esp. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday

Anonymous said...


~*~Patty S said...

What a fantastic array of pink ingredients! Super and inspirational too!
Your blog header is so cool, it really makes me smile!

Sit-N-Chat said...

Hi, The fabrics are so pretty. I can see lots of possibilities.
I've visited New Haven. Pretty place.


Elizabeth Parsons said...

i love your pink fabrics...for someone who isn't a big fan of pink, you certainly have your fair share! thanks for stopping by!

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

Pink is MY favorite color! I love all that gorgeous pink eye candy! Ha! And the theater I made you was what color again? Well, now I will know better.
By the way, a really lovely project for that knotted fringe would be to make your own album d'enchantillon aka Sandra Evertson in Somerset Life. You can see small pics of it on the left hand side of her blog. I loved those fantasy "dressmaker" pages she created. It is one way to save up your last treasured pieces of beautiful vintage trims, buttons, fabrics, etc.

bernadette ostrozovich said...

wow, tristan! lotsa pink fans out there! for a guy who doesn't like pink, you do alright, i'm drawn to the fluffy pink feathers! just wanted to drop a line and thank you for your blog! my blogging friends make my days so much sparklier and you are dear to me. thank you so much for your enthusiasm, generosity of spirit, not to mention, totally delicious taste!

Anonymous said...

Hello Tristan, your pink presentations are wonderful. You are a true artist. I hope you come back again and show us some of your completed projects of art.

Thank you for showing your lovely pink today.


On The Wings Of Love said...

I happen to love the combination of pink and orange too ....and I also love Anna Griffin papers. Awesome collection of supplies I'm off to check out your beautiful work on your website.


Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday Tristan!

Petty pinks!


Four Paws and Co said...

Your fabric stash would make the most amazing quilt & I love your paper stash! Great pink post! Happy Pink Saturday! ♥ Diane

Unknown said...

This is an artist's dream collection of pinks. Your supplies are amazing. Happy Pink Saturday.

gulle hexan said...

i like..Your crepe paper and more..:)
hugs from me

artis1111 said...

I remember playing with crape paper. I think pink is the new black. Kathy

Vintage To Chic said...

Hey! welcome in. You will love it.
would love to see some of your quilts,
Hope you have a wonderful week.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my Shabby Cottage and welcome to Pink Saturday! Where did you find the ruffled crepe paper? Esther

Anonymous said...

Hi Tristan,
I'm new to the group and starting Saturday I will be posting pink. I never thought I cared much for pink either but have been going through a "pink" phase." I hope to see you on Saturday.


a Pocket Angel said...

Tristan, Welcome to your first Pink Saturday.
Such pretty pink fabrics & crepe papers!
Thanks for stopping by my blog for "Pink Saturday". I hope you had a great day...
Blessings ~Mary~ :-}

Ricë said...

embrace the pink! you've got all that pink fabric just begging to be made into a quilt (i love pink and orange, if the idea of Just Pink isn't working for you). my husband loves pink, and it looks good on him, and so he wears stuff i've dyed for him. and it drives the kids crazy: why are you wearing pink? and he tries to get them to think about why pink is supposed to be Just for Girls. where's the logic in that? pink makes all of us look healthier.

and that's what i have to say about Pink.

blessings said...

I'm with you... pink isn't my favorite color but we do all tend to work with that color, don't we. What a great stash of pink fabrics you've got! Thanks for sharing it. Blessings... Polly

Ulla said...

Wooza Tristan! For someone who doesn't love pink, you sure fill the drawers! Fun to see everything grouped like this. I've always loved how pink goes so nicely with other colors, like brown and orange...